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Eocene Environmental Group Has Experience with a Wide Variety of NEPA & CEQA Compliance Projects.

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance is a core service in our environmental division. We provide support to electrical and gas utilities, water infrastructure agencies, telecommunication providers and a variety of federal, state and local agencies. Our team actively contributes to NEPA and CEQA projects, taking on roles as managers, technical resource specialists, authors and expert witnesses.

Our NEPA & CEQA Expertise

We have NEPA and CEQA experience on a variety of project types, including:

  • Linear utilities.
  • Transportation.
  • Agriculture.
  • Mixed-use residential.
  • Municipal.

We routinely prepare Environmental Assessments (EA) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), assist agencies in preparing Findings of No Significant Impacts and Mitigated Negative Declarations. We have written or contributed to Categorical Exclusion (CATEX) reviews or Environmental Impact Reports (EIR).

Public Involvement

We understand the importance of effective communication, building a positive reputation, quality decision-making and managing stakeholder interests and perspectives while working with the public. Our team is also trained in agency and public scoping activities, integrating them into projects as a normal course of action.

We have managed thousands of public comments, some upwards of 200 pages per comment, and have been an expert witness for high profile projects. We are accustomed to working closely with special interest groups, and because we are environmental planners, we can explain details about project engineering, planning, permitting and construction.

Our Experienced, Collaborative Approach

If one thing can be said about NEPA projects, it is that each one is unique. Our team has the experience and expertise to work collaboratively with project proponents, agencies and stakeholders to determine what is required for each project. In one instance, we completed a joint NEPA/CEQA project that included several federal and state agencies. This project was unique in that it did not have a lead federal agency, requiring our team to take on a larger third-party project management role in addition to our third-party NEPA/CEQA preparer role. This allowed our team to combine processes and complete project permitting in an expedited, streamlined fashion.

Browse Eocene Environmental Group’s Work

Our team is here to help with your NEPA and CEQA project.

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