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Urban Tree Canopy Analysis

Let Eocene Environmental Group Help You to Understand Your Assets to Plan for the Future

Urban trees are essential to the health of your urban canopy. Trees in city environments not only provide essential environmental benefits, including energy savings and cleaner air, they also add color and vibrancy to areas that may otherwise be without natural elements. Proper analysis of your community’s tree canopy is essential to building a comprehensive view of your urban forest today and at its future state for long-term viability.

In understanding your urban tree canopy, you can make informed decisions about your property as a whole, considering resource availability, future planning and projections and any risks. The investment in a comprehensive and thorough tree canopy analysis is vital if done by experts. Your urban forest is a part of your city’s overall infrastructure and a key component to your community’s sustainability.

Our Comprehensive Urban Tree Canopy Process

How We Work

At Eocene Environmental Group, our team partners with you to understand and assess your current canopy and provide insight and recommendations on the future of your urban landscape – whether that’s in a neighborhood, along a Right-of-Way, within a recreational park or a community neighborhood.

A comprehensive tree canopy analysis helps identify your existing tree canopy and the potential for expansion of that canopy coverage over time. Our team uses technology like satellite imagery and mapping tools (paired with human and artificial intelligence derived mapping) to help gain insight on the geography and existing makeup. We’ll measure and evaluate the condition of the forest along with the benefits the trees provide in a social and economic way. Our crews collect field data from specified sample sites to verify the satellite imagery we obtain, which helps us identify resources.

What We Provide

Our urban forestry team will provide you with reporting and tools, such as ESRI ArcGIS Geodatabase, shapefiles, raster images and metadata, interactive and story mapping, physical hardcopy maps and a final report of the tree canopy classification metrics.

Tree populations and locations define your urban forest. We strive to be accurate, analytical, insightful and provide you with all the communication, visualization and guidance that you would expect from a strategic business partner. We know that a city’s trees are not only practical and economical contributions to the community, but they provide energy reduction, stormwater runoff control, carbon sequestration and improved public health.

Need an Urban Tree Canopy Analysis? Contact Eocene Environmental Group

Let us help you with mapping and identification as you plan and plant the future.

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