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How Eocene Environmental Group Helps Amtrak & Private Rail Companies Manage Trees & Vegetation

Eocene Environmental Group serves Amtrak and private rail companies with a comprehensive range of environmental and vegetation management services. Our skilled team of experts will work with your rail company to help it comply with government regulations and safely manage trees and vegetation to keep rail lines operating smoothly.

About Eocene Environmental Group

Ways We Serve the Rail Industry

Our experts are well-versed in federal and state rules and regulations. We perform third-party vegetation inspections and audits to ensure compliance and help railways correct any deficiencies.

Compliance Inspection & Audit Services

Strategic forestry management plans are vital for many industries, including railroad lines. Our team of experienced foresters are experts in integrated vegetation management and uses top-of-the-line electronic tools to help you build a plan and prioritize work on trees throughout your rail system.

Forest Management Planning Services

Trees can carry significant risks near railroad tracks if not managed correctly. Eocene Environmental Group conducts comprehensive tree risk assessments to help you evaluate risks along the rail line and prioritize your tree management program based on risk levels and budget forecasting.

Tree Risk Assessment Services

Contact Eocene Environmental Group

Have questions about our services, or just want to learn more? Send us a message, and our team will be back with you soon!

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