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Eocene Environmental Group’s Environmental Division Holds Over 40 Years Of Experience In Environmental and Geotechnical Drilling.

Eocene’s drilling team, led by one of the Midwest’s top drilling operators, brings unparalleled expertise to every project. Serving a diverse range of clients including institutional, commercial, industrial, municipal, energy and government sectors.

Environmental and geotechnical drilling is utilized for gaining a deeper understanding of subsurface conditions in a variety of situations, which is crucial for protecting public health and the environment. By identifying potential soil or groundwater contamination, we can mitigate risks before they escalate, ensuring safer communities and ecosystems.

Drilling is commonly required for Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) or Limited Subsurface Investigations (LSIs) and for underground storage tank (UST) closure activities to discover potential soil or groundwater contamination. Our team has completed drilling for hundreds of Phase II ESAs, LSIs and UST closures.

Drilling Services

Environmental Drilling

We are fully equipped to handle environmental soil borings, groundwater monitoring wells, recovery wells, soil vapor analysis and well abandonment. At Eocene, we primarily utilize our Geoprobe® direct-push rig to install soil borings in even the most challenging environments, including steep gradients, indoors and heavy vegetation. We also have a range of drill rigs available to handle projects of various sizes and scopes. In addition to collecting samples, certain projects require converting borings into temporary or permanent groundwater wells. We can provide complete well abandonment services, including closure documentation.

Geotechnical Drilling

In comparison to environmental drilling, geotechnical drilling is a method of investigating subsurface soils to provide data for engineering design prior to construction of buildings, dams, roadways and other infrastructure sites. This process helps ensure projects are built on solid ground, reducing the risk of structural failures and costly repairs down the line. We collaborate with a diverse range of clients, including state and federal agencies, developers, engineering architecture firms and builders. Eocene owns and operates several state-of the-art, full-size drilling rigs that work efficiently in a wide array of sampling environments for recording blow counts and collecting Shelby tubes.

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